
Company Connections

Data on a company's investors, competitors, partners, etc.

The Company Connections insight provides information about the relationships between companies, such as competitors, customers, partners, vendors, and investors. This insight can be retrieved using the company's domain URL, the company's LinkedIn URL, the contact's LinkedIn URL, or the contact's email address.


Note: the only current available parameters for generate-insights are contactEmail and contactLinkedinUrl.

  • The system will pass back an array of insights, ranked by relevance.
  • The below documentation still accurately covers our schema, and demonstrates what might exist in that array.
  • Soon, you'll be able to specify certain insight types in your API request. Coming Q3 2024.

Retrieving Company Connections Insight

To retrieve the Company Connections insight using the Autobound Insights API, you need to make a POST request to the /generate-insights endpoint with the appropriate parameters.

import requests

url = 'https://api.autobound.ai/api/external/generate-insights/v1.0.0'
headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
    "contactEmail": "[email protected]",
    "contactLinkedinUrl": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/johndoe",
    "companyUrl": "https://www.example.com",
    "companyLinkedinUrl": "https://www.linkedin.com/company/example",
    # You can use either contactEmail, contactLinkedInUrl, companyUrl, or companyLinkedinUrl
    "insightType": "COMPANY_CONNECTIONS"

response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, json=data)

Response Format

The API will respond with the Company Connections insight in JSON format. The response will contain an object with the following fields:

  "data": [
      "userCompanyName": "Amdocs",
      "connectionCompanyName": "Ericsson",
      "website": "https://www.ericsson.com/en",
      "connectionType": "competitor",
      "ticker": "ERIC",
      "firstSeen": "2022-03-15T09:30:00Z",
      "lastSeen": "2023-06-08T14:45:00Z",
      "logoUrl": "https://www.gartner.com/imagesrv/peer-insights/vendors/logos/ericsson.png",
      "sourceUrl": "https://www.gartner.com/reviews/market/operations-support-systems/compare/amdocs-vs-ericsson",
      "sourceCategory": "Undefined"
      "userCompanyName": "Amdocs",
      "connectionCompanyName": "Altice",
      "website": "https://www.alticeusa.com/",
      "connectionType": "customer",
      "ticker": "ATUS",
      "firstSeen": "2022-03-15T09:30:00Z",
      "lastSeen": "2023-06-08T14:45:00Z",
      "logoUrl": null,
      "sourceUrl": null,
      "sourceCategory": null
      "userCompanyName": "Amdocs",
      "connectionCompanyName": "Techsee",
      "website": "https://techsee.me/",
      "connectionType": "partner",
      "ticker": null,
      "firstSeen": "2022-03-15T09:30:00Z",
      "lastSeen": "2023-06-08T14:45:00Z",
      "logoUrl": "https://www.amdocs.com/sites/default/files/2022-09/tech-see-logo-50.png",
      "sourceUrl": "https://www.amdocs.com/about/partners/techsee",
      "sourceCategory": "partner_page"
      "userCompanyName": "Amdocs",
      "connectionCompanyName": "Nvidia",
      "website": "https://www.nvidia.com/",
      "connectionType": "vendor",
      "ticker": "NVDA",
      "firstSeen": "2022-03-15T09:30:00Z",
      "lastSeen": "2023-06-08T14:45:00Z",
      "logoUrl": null,
      "sourceUrl": "https://nvidianews.nvidia.com/news/amdocs-and-nvidia-to-accelerate-adoption-of-generative-ai-for-1-7-trillion-telecom-industry",
      "sourceCategory": "vendor_page"
      "userCompanyName": "Autobound",
      "connectionCompanyName": "Dundee VC",
      // this example would not come from the same payload, as the userCompany is different. It's just shown here for example's sake for the "investor" data
      "website": "www.dundeevc.com",
      "connectionType": "investor",
      "ticker": null,
      "firstSeen": "2022-03-15T09:30:00Z",
      "lastSeen": "2023-06-08T14:45:00Z",
      "logoUrl": null,
      "sourceUrl": "https://dundeeventurecapital.com/portfolio_companies/autobound/",
      "sourceCategory": "investor_page"

Field Descriptions

  • userCompanyName (string): The name of the user company.
  • connectionCompanyName (string): The name of the company connected to the user company.
  • website (string): The website URL of the connected company.
  • connectionType (string): The type of connection between the user company and the connected company (e.g., competitor, customer, partner, vendor, investor).
  • ticker (string or null): The stock ticker symbol of the connected company, if applicable.
  • firstSeen (string): The date when the connection was first observed in UTC format.
  • lastSeen (string): The date when the connection was last observed in UTC format".
  • logoUrl (string or null): The URL of the connected company's logo, if available.
  • sourceUrl (string or null): The URL of the source where the connection information was obtained, if available.
  • sourceCategory (string or null): The category of the source where the connection information was obtained, if available.

Use Cases

The Company Connections insight is valuable for various use cases, such as:

  • Competitive Analysis: Identify and monitor competitors of a company to gain insights into their relationships and market positioning. For example, Amdocs can track its competitor Ericsson and compare their offerings and market presence.
  • Sales Intelligence: Understand the existing relationships between companies to identify potential sales opportunities or navigate complex sales situations. For instance, knowing that Altice is a customer of Amdocs can help sales teams tailor their approach when engaging with Altice.
  • Partnership Exploration: Discover potential partners or collaborators based on the connections and relationships of a company. Amdocs can explore partnership opportunities with companies like Techsee, which is listed as a partner on Amdocs' website.
  • Investor Research: Identify the investors and funding relationships of a company to assess its financial backing and growth potential. Autobound's relationship with Dundee VC as an investor can provide insights into its funding and growth trajectory.
  • Vendor Management: Gain visibility into the vendors and suppliers of a company to evaluate their reliability and potential impact on the company's operations. Amdocs' relationship with Nvidia as a vendor can help assess the technology stack and dependencies of Amdocs.
  • Market Mapping: Map out the ecosystem and relationships between companies in a specific industry or market segment to identify key players and influencers. The connections between Amdocs, Ericsson, Altice, Techsee, and Nvidia can provide a partial view of the telecom industry landscape.

By leveraging the Company Connections insight, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of the relationships and connections between companies, enabling you to make informed decisions related to competitive analysis, sales intelligence, partnership exploration, investor research, vendor management, and market mapping.