
SEC Filings Insight

Trends extracted from a company's 10-K, 10-Q, and 8-K.

The SEC Filings insight provides information extracted from a company's SEC filings, such as 10-K (annual report), 10-Q (quarterly report), and 8-K (current report) forms. This insight can be retrieved using the company's domain URL, the company's LinkedIn URL, the contact's LinkedIn URL, or the contact's email address.


Note: the only current available parameters for generate-insights are contactEmail and contactLinkedinUrl.

  • The system will pass back an array of insights, ranked by relevance.
  • The below documentation still accurately covers our schema, and demonstrates what might exist in that array.
  • Soon, you'll be able to specify certain insight types in your API request. Coming Q3 2024.

SEC Filings Insight

To retrieve the SEC Filings insight using the Autobound Insights API, you need to make a POST request to the /generate-insights endpoint with the appropriate parameters.

import requests

url = 'https://api.autobound.ai/api/external/generate-insights/v1.0.0'
headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
    "contactEmail": "[email protected]",
    "contactLinkedinUrl": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/johndoe",
    "companyUrl": "https://www.example.com",
    "companyLinkedinUrl": "https://www.linkedin.com/company/example",
    # You can use either contactEmail, contactLinkedInUrl, companyUrl, or companyLinkedinUrl
    "insightType": "SEC_FILINGS"

response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, json=data)

Response Format

The API will respond with the SEC Filing insight in JSON format. The response will contain information about the SEC Filing, including:

  "insights": [
      "subtype": "Intense competition in global markets",
      "pain_points_described": "Apple faces substantial competition in global markets characterized by aggressive price cutting, frequent product introductions, evolving industry standards, and competitors attempting to imitate Apple's products and infringe on its intellectual property. This intense competition could adversely impact Apple's market share, revenue and profit margins.",
      "excerpt": "Company’s competitors have broader product lines, lower-priced products and a larger installed base of active devices. Competition has been particularly intense as competitors have aggressively cut prices and lowered product margins. Certain competitors have the resources, experience or cost structures to provide products at little or no profit or even at a loss. The Company’s services compete with business models that provide content to users for free and use illegitimate means to obtain third-party digital content and applications. The Company faces significant competition as competitors imitate the Company’s product features and applications within their products, or collaborate to offer integrated solutions that are more competitive than those they currently offer.",
      "filing_type": "10-K",
      "keywords": [
        "global markets",
        "price cutting",
        "gross margins",
        "new products",
        "industry standards",

Field Descriptions

  • insights (array): An array of insights extracted from the SEC filings.
  • subtype (string): The subtype or category of the insight, indicating the specific topic or area of focus.
  • pain_points_described (string): A description of the pain points or challenges mentioned in the insight.
  • excerpt (string): An excerpt or snippet from the SEC filing that supports the insight.
  • filing_type (string): The type of SEC filing from which the insight was extracted (e.g., "10-K", "10-Q", "8-K").
  • keywords (array of strings): An array of relevant keywords associated with the insight.

Available insights

A full list of available insights is as follows.

10-K: Product & Innovation - Won awards
10-K: Product & Innovation - Successful AI-driven product innovation
10-K: Product & Innovation - Slow innovation cycles
10-K: Product & Innovation - Slow adoption of new product features
10-K: Product & Innovation - Shifted product to cloud-based service
10-K: Product & Innovation - Quality control issues
10-K: Product & Innovation - Noteworthy product innovation or significant product launches
10-K: Product & Innovation - Launched open API for integrations
10-K: Product & Innovation - Investing in software engineering
10-K: Product & Innovation - Investing in product development productivity
10-K: Product & Innovation - Inefficient software engineering processes
10-K: Product & Innovation - Inefficient product development processes
10-K: Product & Innovation - Incorporated blockchain for security
10-K: Product & Innovation - High rate of product defects or bugginess
10-K: Product & Innovation - Had to recall a key product
10-K: Product & Innovation - Difficulty maintaining consistent product quality
10-K: Product & Innovation - Delayed product launches
10-K: Product & Innovation - Awarded key technology patent
10-K: Digital Transformation & Technology - Software integration challenges
10-K: Digital Transformation & Technology - Slow adoption of digital transformation initiatives
10-K: Digital Transformation & Technology - Significant progress in digital transformation
10-K: Digital Transformation & Technology - Outdated IT infrastructure
10-K: Digital Transformation & Technology - Opened new data centers
10-K: Digital Transformation & Technology - Low utilization of cloud technologies
10-K: Digital Transformation & Technology - Investing in IT productivity
10-K: Digital Transformation & Technology - Inadequate mobile app performance
10-K: Digital Transformation & Technology - Inadequate data analytics capabilities
10-K: Digital Transformation & Technology - Difficulty monetizing data assets
10-K: Digital Transformation & Technology - Difficulty managing and leveraging big data
10-K: Digital Transformation & Technology - Decreasing IT productivity
10-K: Regulatory & Compliance - Obtained new security certs
10-K: Regulatory & Compliance - Intellectual property infringement claims
10-K: Regulatory & Compliance - Increasing regulatory compliance costs
10-K: Regulatory & Compliance - Hit with GDPR or CCPA penalty
10-K: Regulatory & Compliance - Difficulty complying with industry standards
10-K: Regulatory & Compliance - Data privacy violations
10-K: Regulatory & Compliance - Audit concerns around internal controls for financial reporting
10-K: Cybersecurity & Risk Management - Recently experienced a data breach
10-K: Cybersecurity & Risk Management - Ineffective crisis management procedures
10-K: Cybersecurity & Risk Management - Inadequate risk management practices
10-K: Cybersecurity & Risk Management - Inadequate protection against counterfeiting
10-K: Cybersecurity & Risk Management - Inadequate disaster recovery plans
10-K: Cybersecurity & Risk Management - Focused on enhancing cyber risk program
10-K: Cybersecurity & Risk Management - Cybersecurity breaches
10-K: Operational Efficiency - Underutilized production capacity
10-K: Operational Efficiency - Supply chain bottlenecks
10-K: Operational Efficiency - Significant improvement to operational efficiency and cost management
10-K: Operational Efficiency - Productivity gains from restructuring
10-K: Operational Efficiency - Investing in supply chain productivity
10-K: Operational Efficiency - Investing in operations productivity
10-K: Operational Efficiency - Investing in legal department
10-K: Operational Efficiency - Inventory management inefficiencies
10-K: Operational Efficiency - Inefficient supply chain
10-K: Operational Efficiency - Inefficient project management practices
10-K: Operational Efficiency - Inefficient procurement processes
10-K: Operational Efficiency - Inefficient order fulfillment processes
10-K: Operational Efficiency - Inefficient operations processes
10-K: Operational Efficiency - Inefficient legal processes
10-K: Operational Efficiency - Increasing raw material prices
10-K: Operational Efficiency - Difficulty scaling operations
10-K: Operational Efficiency - Difficulty managing global supply chains
10-K: Operational Efficiency - Cultural misalignment in international operations
10-K: Leadership & Governance - Slow decision-making processes
10-K: Leadership & Governance - New General Counsel
10-K: Leadership & Governance - New CTO
10-K: Leadership & Governance - New CHRO
10-K: Leadership & Governance - New CRO
10-K: Leadership & Governance - New CISO
10-K: Leadership & Governance - New CSO
10-K: Leadership & Governance - New CMO
10-K: Leadership & Governance - New CFO
10-K: Leadership & Governance - New CEO
10-K: Leadership & Governance - Major changes in board composition
10-K: Leadership & Governance - Lack of cross-functional collaboration
10-K: Leadership & Governance - Inefficient internal communication
10-K: Leadership & Governance - Ineffective knowledge management systems
10-K: Leadership & Governance - Ineffective change management processes
10-K: Sustainability & Corporate Responsibility - Supporting local education
10-K: Sustainability & Corporate Responsibility - Notable philanthropic initiatives
10-K: Sustainability & Corporate Responsibility - Launched successful sustainability and ESG initiatives
10-K: Sustainability & Corporate Responsibility - Difficulty meeting sustainability goals
10-K: Sustainability & Corporate Responsibility - Difficulty complying with ESG reporting requirements
10-K: Sustainability & Corporate Responsibility - Difficulty adapting to circular economy principles
10-K: HR & People Management - Skill gaps in workforce
10-K: HR & People Management - Named a top place to work
10-K: HR & People Management - Made substantial shift to remote work
10-K: HR & People Management - Made substantial shift back into the office from being remote
10-K: HR & People Management - Low employee engagement scores
10-K: HR & People Management - Launched major D&I program
10-K: HR & People Management - Investing in HR productivity
10-K: HR & People Management - Inefficient HR processes
10-K: HR & People Management - Ineffective leadership development programs
10-K: HR & People Management - Ineffective diversity and inclusion initiatives
10-K: HR & People Management - High employee turnover rate
10-K: HR & People Management - Grew headcount significantly
10-K: HR & People Management - Facing significant staff churn
10-K: HR & People Management - Difficulty managing remote teams
10-K: HR & People Management - Difficulty attracting top talent
10-K: HR & People Management - Difficulty adapting to remote work
10-K: Industry & Competition - Slow response to market trends
10-K: Industry & Competition - Moving upmarket from SMB to enterprise clients
10-K: Industry & Competition - Moving downmarket from enterprise to SMB clients
10-K: Industry & Competition - Losing ground to key competitors
10-K: Industry & Competition - Industry facing downturn
10-K: Industry & Competition - Increasing competition from startups
10-K: Industry & Competition - Global expansion of market presence
10-K: Industry & Competition - Expansion of customer base
10-K: Industry & Competition - Expansion into new market segments or product categories
10-K: Industry & Competition - Executed notable acquisitions
10-K: Industry & Competition - Engaged in price war with rivals
10-K: Industry & Competition - Difficulty keeping up with competitive landscape
10-K: Industry & Competition - Difficulty entering new markets
10-K: Industry & Competition - Declining market share
10-K: Financial Performance - Significant change in security expenses from last year
10-K: Financial Performance - Significant change in sales expenses from last year
10-K: Financial Performance - Significant change in product expenses from last year
10-K: Financial Performance - Significant change in operational expenses from last year
10-K: Financial Performance - Significant change in marketing expenses from last year
10-K: Financial Performance - Significant change in legal expenses from last year
10-K: Financial Performance - Significant change in engineering expenses from last year
10-K: Financial Performance - Significant change in COGS from last year
10-K: Financial Performance - Record financial performance
10-K: Financial Performance - Major balance sheet changes
10-K: Financial Performance - Issued corporate bonds
10-K: Financial Performance - Investing in accounting team
10-K: Financial Performance - Inefficient accounting processes
10-K: Financial Performance - Increasing profit
10-K: Financial Performance - High levels of debt
10-K: Financial Performance - Failed to meet quarterly revenue goals
10-K: Financial Performance - Decreasing profit margins
10-K: Financial Performance - Decreasing profit
10-K: Financial Performance - Cost of goods sold is climbing
10-K: Financial Performance - Cash flow problems
10-K: Financial Performance - Announced share repurchase program
10-K: Customer Relations - Strengthened customer relationships and loyalty
10-K: Customer Relations - Rising customer acquisition costs
10-K: Customer Relations - Rapid change in customer preferences
10-K: Customer Relations - Negative online reviews and ratings
10-K: Customer Relations - Low net retention rate indicating customer dissatisfaction
10-K: Customer Relations - Low conversion rates on e-commerce platform
10-K: Customer Relations - Low adoption of customer loyalty programs
10-K: Customer Relations - Investing in customer success
10-K: Customer Relations - Inefficient customer support processes
10-K: Customer Relations - Inefficient customer success processes
10-K: Customer Relations - Increasing customer churn rate
10-K: Customer Relations - Inconsistent customer experience across channels
10-K: Customer Relations - Inadequate customer feedback mechanisms
10-K: Customer Relations - Difficulty attracting younger customer segments
10-K: Customer Relations - Decreasing brand loyalty
10-K: Customer Relations - Dealing with negative feedback
10-K: Sales & Marketing - Underperforming sales team
10-K: Sales & Marketing - Underperforming marketing channels
10-K: Sales & Marketing - Low return on advertising spend
10-K: Sales & Marketing - Investing in sales productivity
10-K: Sales & Marketing - Investing in marketing productivity
10-K: Sales & Marketing - Inefficient sales processes
10-K: Sales & Marketing - Ineffective social media presence
10-K: Sales & Marketing - Ineffective pricing strategies
10-K: Sales & Marketing - Ineffective marketing campaigns

Use Cases

The Quarterly and Annual SEC Filings insight is valuable for various use cases, such as:

  • Competitive Analysis: Analyze the SEC filings of a company's competitors to gain insights into their strategies, challenges, and market positioning. This information can help inform competitive strategies and identify potential threats or opportunities.
  • Investment Research: Use the insights extracted from SEC filings to support investment research and decision-making. Understanding a company's financial performance, risks, and strategic initiatives can help investors assess the potential of an investment opportunity.
  • Sales Intelligence: Leverage the pain points and challenges mentioned in SEC filings to tailor sales pitches and demonstrate how your company's products or services can address those specific needs. This can help establish credibility and relevance in sales conversations.
  • Risk Assessment: Identify potential risks and vulnerabilities disclosed in SEC filings, such as litigation, regulatory compliance issues, or dependency on key customers or suppliers. This information can help assess the overall risk profile of a company and inform risk mitigation strategies.
  • Market Trends: Analyze the insights across multiple companies in a specific industry to identify emerging trends, shifts in customer preferences, or technological advancements. This can help inform market research and guide product development or go-to-market strategies.
  • Due Diligence: Use the insights from SEC filings as part of due diligence processes for mergers, acquisitions, or partnerships. Understanding a company's financial health, legal proceedings, and strategic initiatives can help evaluate the potential risks and benefits of a transaction.

By leveraging the Quarterly and Annual SEC Filings insight, you can gain valuable information about a company's financial performance, risks, challenges, and strategic initiatives. This insight can inform various business functions, including competitive analysis, investment research, sales intelligence, risk assessment, market trend analysis, and due diligence processes.