

Autobound's schema on the contact and company records, and all insights associated.

Welcome to the Autobound Insights API documentation. Our API provides a wealth of valuable insights about companies and contacts, empowering your product teams to enhance their applications with rich, actionable data.

These insights can be seamlessly integrated into your existing systems and workflows, enabling you to deliver more personalized experiences and drive better business outcomes.

Insight Retrieval Methods

Autobound offers two convenient methods for retrieving insights:

  • API: Access insights in real-time via API. Responses are provided in JSON format. To retrieve insights using the API, make a POST request to the /generate-insights endpoint with the appropriate parameters. For example:
import requests

url = '<https://api.autobound.ai/api/external/generate-insights/v1.0.0'>  
headers = {  
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'  
data = {  
    "contactEmail": "[email protected]",  
    "insightType": "LINKED_IN_POST"  

response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, json=data)  
  • Flat File: Receive insights as CSV or JSON files for bulk processing or offline analysis. You can request flat files containing insights for a specific set of companies or contacts, and we will generate and deliver the files to you. This method is used more often by enterprise companies building our insights into their platforms.

Insight Lookup Methods

Autobound supports three lookup methods for retrieving insights:

  • Contact Level: Retrieve insights for a specific contact by providing their LinkedIn URL or email address. This allows you to access detailed information about an individual, such as their profile data, podcast mentions, YouTube mentions, work history, job changes, and more. Contact-level insights are ideal for personalizing user experiences, enhancing lead qualification, and tailoring communication. When making an API request, if insightType is left blank, the top 20 insights are retrieved.
  • Company Level: Retrieve insights at the company level by providing the company's website URL. This method returns a comprehensive set of insights related to the company, including company profile information, value propositions, sales information, financial data, case studies, and more. Company-level insights are valuable for market research, competitive analysis, and understanding the overall business landscape. When making an API request, if insightType is left blank, the top 20 insights are retrieved.
  • Insight Level: Retrieve a set of contacts and companies exhibiting a certain insight. This is only available via flat file currently.

Available Insight Types

The Autobound Insights API provides a wide range of insight types that can be retrieved using the insightType parameter in the API request. Here are the available insight types:

Contact-level Insights:

  • CONTACT_PROFILE: Retrieves the contact's profile information, including their work history, skills, education, and more.
  • LINKED_IN_POST: Retrieves LinkedIn post insights for the contact, providing information about their professional activities and engagement on the platform.
  • PODCAST: Retrieves podcast insights for the contact, including podcast appearances and topics discussed.
  • SHARED_EXPERIENCE: Retrieves shared experience insights between the user and the contact, including common workplaces, cities, schools, and more.
  • WORK_MILESTONE: Retrieves work milestone insights for the contact, such as job changes, promotions, and work anniversaries.
  • YOUTUBE_DATA: Retrieves YouTube data insights for the contact, such as video mentions and content.

Company-level Insights:

  • BLOG_POST: Retrieves an array of blog posts the contact's company has published.
  • CASE_STUDY: Retrieves case study insights for the contact's company, highlighting successful implementations and customer stories.
  • COMPANY_CONNECTIONS: Retrieves insights about the connections and relationships of the contact's company, such as competitors, customers, partners, vendors, and investors.
  • COMPANY_SALES_PROFILE: Retrieves sales profile insights for the contact's company, including target personas, sales assets, and hiring trends.
  • COMPANY_VALUE_PROPOSITION: Retrieves the value proposition of the contact's company, highlighting their unique selling points, benefits, and solutions.
  • COMPETITOR_NEWS_EVENT: Retrieves news event insights related to the contact's company's competitors, providing competitive intelligence.
  • EARNINGS_TRANSCRIPT: Retrieves insights extracted from a company's earnings call transcripts, providing information about financial performance, strategic initiatives, challenges, and future outlook.
  • FINANCIAL: Retrieves financial insights for the contact's company, such as revenue, funding, and financial performance.
  • JOB_OPENING: Information on a prospect's open job positions that are relevant to the seller's selling motions and product offerings.
  • NEWS_EVENT: Retrieves news event insights for the contact's company, such as product launches, partnerships, and notable developments.
  • SEC_FILINGS: Retrieves insights extracted from a company's SEC filings, such as 10-K (annual report), 10-Q (quarterly report), and 8-K (current report) forms.
  • TECH_USED: Retrieves insights about the technologies used by the contact's company, including complementary and competitive technologies.

In the following sections, we will dive into the details of each insight type, providing you with a clear understanding of the data structure, fields, and their significance. We will also provide examples and use cases to illustrate how these insights can be leveraged to enhance your products and services.

Get ready to unlock the power of Autobound Insights and take your applications to the next level!