

A person's mentions in a YouTube video.

The YouTube insight provides information about an individual's presence and mentions on YouTube, offering valuable insights into their video content, engagement, and professional activities. This insight can be retrieved using the individual's LinkedIn URL.


Note: the only current available parameters for generate-insights are contactEmail and contactLinkedinUrl.

  • The system will pass back an array of insights, ranked by relevance.
  • The below documentation still accurately covers our schema, and demonstrates what might exist in that array.
  • Soon, you'll be able to specify certain insight types in your API request. Coming Q3 2024.

Retrieving YouTube Insight

To retrieve the YouTube post insight using the Autobound Insights API, you need to make a POST request to the /generate-insights endpoint with the appropriate parameters.

import requests

url = 'https://api.autobound.ai/api/external/generate-insights/v1.0.0'
headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
    "contactEmail": "[email protected]",
    "contactLinkedInUrl": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/johndoe",
    # You can use either contactEmail, contactLinkedInUrl, or both
    "insightType": "YOUTUBE_DATA"

response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, json=data)

Response Format

The API will respond with the YouTube insight in JSON format. The response will contain information about the individual's YouTube videos, including:

  • Video title
  • Image URL of the video thumbnail
  • Video link
  • View count
  • Video description
  • Published date
  • Channel title
  • Comment count
  • How long ago the video was published

Here's an example of the response format:

  "data": [
      "title": "Abhinandan Sangam on Innovation at Finzy",
      "imageUrl": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/1uE92xhPWV8/default.jpg",
      "videoLink": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uE92xhPWV8",
      "viewCount": "93",
      "description": "Finzy has been an innovative fintech disruptor\n\nAbhinandan Sangam, Co-Founder & CTO, Finzy explains the uniqueness of the business model of his product and the actions taken by the company.\n \nWhat was the innovation behind Finzy solution?\n Innovation is a way of life for us at Finzy. There are multiple aspects and multiple models that we have been disrupting starting from creating a whole new segment. It is not a product or a feature that we build, but it is creating a whole new segment that is what we pride upon in terms of innovating. So, what we did was for the investors. If you look at what is existing right now there are high risk, high return, high volatility products, real estate or there are low return, low risk, low volatility products like your fixed deposits. But this big vacuum in between there is nothing that gives you a fixed income that gives you a good return like 15-16 % and good returns with a distributed risk asset class. That space was empty. \n\nWhat is the working principle of this people?\nThat is why we thought of coming up with a product which is basically personal loans where we focus on prime borrowers in the range of 11-21 % and investor money not going into one of them. For example, if I am investing a lakh of rupees and you need a lakh of rupees, what happens is your investment gets diversified, of course, with the investors’ consent. Imagine it going into twenty people. So, I am investing Rs 5000 in you and another Rs 95,000 in nineteen different people. \n\nWhat are the benefits accrued?\n\nOne is getting access to good borrowers. The second one is getting access to multiple people and I am getting returns every month because you are going to pay an EMI now. So, for the Indian consumers who are tired of paying an EMI now, here is an opportunity to start earning the EMIs. So that way from multiple facets we started innovating. One is access to this new asset class which gives investor access to folks like us. And on the other side, imagine you wanting a loan, of one or two lac and very quickly getting 50-60 to 100 investors fund you. The loan therefore gets funded quickly, and the investors are able to access these and not dispose a lot of money into one person. \n \nHow do you think that the Fintech space is not disrupting enough compared to Healthtech or foodtech?\n \nIn fact when we started this journey right then we tried to answer this question that’s why the pace of disruption especially in the borrowing and lending space is not that fast like it’s happening in the other areas that mentioned. That is when we realise that you need to bring customer at the centre of it. You need to bring in aspects of consumer empathy. What are his/her real problems, you should solve that. Not what is being done typically, the age old stuff. This is how the banking world or the financial world has been operating and now let us go ahead and try to do that little more efficiently. \nWhen you talk to people you get to know that it is not really the rate of interest that is critical. For example, for a borrower it is the hassle free experience, and the convenience that is important. I really do not want to be bothered in my office where somebody has to come and make me sign all the applications and people are generally looking at me, seeing that there is some problem that he is taking a loan. I want it to happen in a convenience of a few clicks. You ask me for whatever information is needed and I am here to give you. You want my bank statement or my idea or my salary slip and I am giving it to you. Your technology should be able to assist those things and tell me whether I get a loan or not. That's how you solve a problem and this can be done when you bring the matter at the centre of it. \n\nWhat was the approach then advocated by you?\n\nWe create these personas, we ideated over these, we spoke to multiple people, did the interviews and then emerged certain aspects where we realised that there are certain problems that are not being solved. Rather than going behind a potential customer, I need to be more competitive and give a percentage interest loan more than what competitors are doing. Yes, of course, you need to be competitive in that. But there are other issues which were untouched, which were not really disrupted. So that approach of bringing consumer at the centre of it and then using service design blueprint was what was needed.",
      "publishedAt": "2020-03-19T16:58:39Z",
      "channelTitle": "CXOTV news",
      "commentCount": "0",
      "howLongAgoPublished": "4 years ago"
      "title": "In Conversation with Abhinandan Sangam from Finzy",
      "imageUrl": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/s0c37-EZAeg/default.jpg",
      "videoLink": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0c37-EZAeg",
      "viewCount": "94",
      "description": "AGBA",
      "publishedAt": "2020-01-21T07:31:53Z",
      "channelTitle": "Aegis School of Data Science (AegisTV)",
      "commentCount": "0",
      "howLongAgoPublished": "4 years ago"

Field Descriptions

  • title (string): The title of the YouTube video featuring the individual.
  • imageUrl (string): The URL of the video thumbnail image.
  • videoLink (string): The URL of the YouTube video.
  • viewCount (string): The number of views the video has received.
  • description (string): The description or transcript of the YouTube video.
  • publishedAt (string): The date and time when the video was published, in ISO 8601 format.
  • channelTitle (string): The title of the YouTube channel that published the video.
  • commentCount (string): The number of comments on the video.
  • howLongAgoPublished (string): A human-readable representation of how long ago the video was published (e.g., "4 years ago").

Use Cases

The YouTube insight is valuable for various use cases, such as:

  • Identifying thought leaders and subject matter experts within a specific industry or domain
  • Analyzing an individual's video content and engagement on YouTube
  • Gathering market intelligence and tracking industry trends discussed in YouTube videos
  • Personalizing outreach and communication based on an individual's YouTube presence and topics discussed
  • Enhancing lead generation and prospecting efforts by leveraging YouTube insights
  • Discovering potential partnership or collaboration opportunities based on shared interests and expertise

By leveraging the YouTube insight, you can gain a deeper understanding of an individual's thought leadership, expertise, and engagement on YouTube, enabling you to tailor your strategies and interactions accordingly.