

A person's mentions across podcasts, gathered from 20+ publishers.

The Podcast insight provides information about an individual's podcast appearances and mentions, offering valuable insights into their expertise, thought leadership, and professional engagement. This returns podcast mentions from over 20 different podcast publishers. This insight can be retrieved using the individual's email address or LinkedIn URL.


Note: the only current available parameters for generate-insights are contactEmail and contactLinkedinUrl.

  • The system will pass back an array of insights, ranked by relevance.
  • The below documentation still accurately covers our schema, and demonstrates what might exist in that array.
  • Soon, you'll be able to specify certain insight types in your API request. Coming Q3 2024.

Retrieving the Podcast Insight

To retrieve the Podcast insight using the Autobound Insights API, you need to make a POST request to the /generate-insights endpoint with the appropriate parameters.

import requests

url = 'https://api.autobound.ai/api/external/generate-insights/v1.0.0'
headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
    "contactEmail": "[email protected]",
    "contactLinkedInUrl": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/johndoe",
    # You can use either contactEmail, contactLinkedInUrl, or both
    "insightType": "PODCAST"

response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, json=data)

Response Format

The API will respond with the Podcast insight in JSON format. The response will contain information about the individual's podcast appearances, including:

  • Podcast title
  • Snippet or description of the podcast episode
  • Website URL of the podcast episode

Here's an example of the response format:

  "data": [
      "title": "Midstage Startup Momentum: Autobound Co-Founder & CEO Daniel Wiener ...",
      "snippet": "For companies in almost every industry, success and failure often boil down to the sales process. But what if there was a way to make it easier for sales departments to know who to reach out to and what to say? That’s exactly what Daniel Wiener and his startup Autobound are doing. Autobound works wi",
      "website": "https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/autobound-co-founder-ceo-daniel-wiener-narrow-is-never/id1492305911?i=1000550061188"

Field descriptions:

  • title (string): The title of the podcast episode featuring the individual.
  • snippet (string): A brief description or excerpt from the podcast episode, providing an overview of the content or topics discussed.
  • website (string): The URL of the podcast episode or the website where the episode can be accessed.

Use Cases

The Podcast insight is valuable for various use cases, such as:

  • Identifying thought leaders and subject matter experts within a specific industry or domain
  • Gathering market intelligence and tracking industry trends discussed in podcasts
  • Personalizing outreach and communication based on an individual's podcast appearances and topics discussed
  • Enhancing lead generation and prospecting efforts by leveraging podcast insights
  • Analyzing competitor strategies and their presence in the podcast space
  • Discovering potential partnership or collaboration opportunities based on shared interests and expertise

By leveraging the Podcast insight, you can gain a deeper understanding of an individual's thought leadership, expertise, and engagement in the podcast space, enabling you to tailor your strategies and interactions accordingly.