
Shared Investors

Get insights on a company's investors programmatically

Get insights into investors that have backed both your company and the prospect's company. This insight enables highly personalized outreach by highlighting shared financial backers and their investment patterns in similar companies.

Why this Insight Matters

  • Build immediate credibility through shared investor relationships
  • Reference specific success stories from the shared investor's portfolio

Example Payload

    "userCompany": {
      "name": "Autobound",
      "companyUrl": "",
      "sharedInvestor": {
        "name": "AIX Ventures",
        "website": "",
        "portfolioCompanies": [
            "name": "",
            "website": ""
            "name": "Autobound",
            "website": ""

Example Content

"Noticed AIX Ventures invested in both and Autobound - they've got a great eye for AI companies changing how we work. Would love to share how we're helping their portfolio companies boost revenue through AI-powered sales outreach!"