LinkedIn Posts
Colleague LinkedIn posts provide powerful social proof by revealing discussions regarding challenges your solution addresses.
When a prospect's colleague posts about relevant pain points, it creates a natural opening for conversation backed by internal validation.
Why does this insight matter?
- Surface internal discussions about pain points
- Reveal organizational priorities through employee voices
- Provide credible, colleague-level social proof
- Create natural conversation starters
Example Payload
"insightType": "colleagueLinkedInPost",
"colleague": {
"name": "Sarah Chen",
"company": "ZoomInfo",
"post": {
"content": "Excited about our SDR team expansion! Looking for tools and strategies to help our new reps ramp faster while maintaining quality personalization at scale.",
"date": "2023-12-01",
"time": "11mo",
"engagement": {
"num_likes": 36,
"num_empathy": 4,
"num_praises": 5,
"num_reposts": 1,
"num_comments": 12
"url": ""
Example Output
Noticed Sarah Chen's post on Zoominfo scaling the SDR team.
Most SDRs take 8 months to onboard and never learn how to prospect effectively.
We helped Xactly's SDR team scale the flow of their #1 SDR, worth a chat?"
Updated 4 months ago