Hiring Trends
Calculate hiring velocity and departmental distributions from job posting data, filtered for relevance based on the pain points of your user's prospect, and your user's value proposition.
Cut through hiring data noise by surfacing only the trends that matter to your prospect's role and align with your solution's value proposition. This insight analyzes hiring patterns relative to company size to identify meaningful growth signals and pain points.
We analyze over 160,000,000 job openings across 1,500,000 companies, making this a very high coverage insight.
Why does this insight matter?
- Surface hiring trends that specifically relate to your prospect's responsibilities
- Identify growth patterns that enable you to tell a more compelling story
- Back up your value proposition with concrete hiring evidence
Example Payload
"userCompany": {
"name": "RemoteOnboard",
"companyUrl": "https://remoteonboard.ai",
"valueProp": "Help engineering teams streamline remote onboarding and training"
"prospectCompany": {
"prospectName": {
"name": "Michelle Rogers",
"title": "VP of Engineering"
"name": "iHerb",
"companyMetrics": {
"totalEmployees": 1410,
"openRoles": 166,
"hiringVelocity": 11.77
"hiringAnalysis": {
"signalSummary": "iHerb is rapidly scaling their technical teams with 51 open technical roles (engineering, data analysis, and software development combined), with 14% being remote positions. This suggests their Engineering Manager needs efficient remote onboarding solutions to handle this volume of new technical hires.",
"velocityContext": "Aggressive growth for a large company. When companies with 500–5000 employees have open roles exceeding 7% of current headcount, that's considered significant expansion.",
"departmentBreakdown": {
"engineering": "23 roles (14%)",
"dataAnalysis": "14 roles (8%)",
"softwareDevelopment": "14 roles (8%)",
"other": "115 roles (70%)"
"seniorityMix": {
"nonManager": "112 roles (67%)",
"manager": "40 roles (24%)"
"locationData": {
"unitedStates": "150 roles (90%)",
"remote": "23 roles (14%)"
Example Output
"Michelle - Noticed iHerb is scaling engineering teams quickly (51 technical roles open) with a significant remote component.
With that many distributed engineers to onboard, would love to show you how we're helping other VP Engs cut ramp time in half while maintaining consistent training quality across locations."
Updated 4 months ago