
Generate personalized LinkedIn connection requests that stay within the 300-character limit while incorporating relevant insights to maximize acceptance rates.

Basic Request

import requests

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
    "contactEmail": "",
    "userEmail": "",
    "contentType": "sms"

response =, headers=headers, json=data)

Here's what was generated with the request above

Hi Henry - Daniel from Autobound here. Saw ZoomInfo's hiring 18 SDRs. We help teams like yours ramp new SDRs 3x faster through AI personalization. Quick chat this week about boosting productivity?

Response Format

    "type": "sms",
    "contactEmail": "",
    "contactCompanyName": "Zoominfo",
    "contactJobTitle": "CEO",
    "contentList": [
            "content": "Hi Henry - Daniel from Autobound here. Saw ZoomInfo's hiring 18 SDRs...",
            "modelUsed": "opus",
            "contentItemId": "1c499f1c-845b-4321-a817",
    "insightsUsed": [
            "insightId": "6eb70a5e-3155-4aef",
            "name": "Hiring SDRs",
            "type": "jobOpening",
            "subType": "jobOpening",
            "variables": {
                "quantity": 18,
                "jobPosting": [
                    "Sales Development Representative, Inbound - Bethesda, Maryland",
                    "Sales Development Representative, Inbound - Waltham, Massachusetts",
                    "Enterprise Sales Development Representative - Vancouver, Washington"
            "score": 185
    "valuePropsUsed": [
            "valuePropId": "a07ecf19-fad0-40fb-a4c1-d9bb522d046a",
            "name": "Enterprise CEO",
            "persona": "ceo",
            "industry": "software",
            "companySize": "enterprise",
            "content": "Autobound helps enterprise software companies..."

Optional Parameters

    // Customize Output
    "writingStyle": "cxo_pitch",
    "wordCount": "30",
    "language": "english",
    // Additional Context
    "additionalContext": "Met at SaaStr 2023",
    // Control Insights
    "enabledInsights": ["podcast", "shared_connections"],
    "disabledInsights": ["financial"],
    // Model Selection
    "model": "opus"  // or "gpt4", "sonnet", "fine_tuned"