

Raw data and trends from financial statements.

The Financial insight provides comprehensive financial information about a company, including earnings data, company overview, and key financial metrics. This insight can be retrieved using the company's domain URL, the company's LinkedIn URL, the contact's LinkedIn URL, or the contact's email address.


Note: the only current available parameters for generate-insights are contactEmail and contactLinkedinUrl.

  • The system will pass back an array of insights, ranked by relevance.
  • The below documentation still accurately covers our schema, and demonstrates what might exist in that array.
  • Soon, you'll be able to specify certain insight types in your API request. Coming Q3 2024.

Retrieving Financial Insight

To retrieve the Financial insight using the Autobound Insights API, you need to make a POST request to the /generate-insights endpoint with the appropriate parameters.

import requests

url = 'https://api.autobound.ai/api/external/generate-insights/v1.0.0'
headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
    "contactEmail": "[email protected]",
    "contactLinkedinUrl": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/johndoe",
    "companyUrl": "https://www.example.com",
    "companyLinkedinUrl": "https://www.linkedin.com/company/example",
    # You can use either contactEmail, contactLinkedInUrl, companyUrl, or companyLinkedinUrl
    "insightType": "FINANCIAL"

response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, json=data)

Response Format

The API will respond with the Financial insight in JSON format. The response will contain information about the case studies, including:

  • Earnings data (annual and quarterly)
  • Company overview (sector, industry, description, etc.)
  • Key financial metrics (revenue, profit margin, PE ratio, etc.)

Here's an example of the response format:

  "data": {
    "earnings": {
      "symbol": "RGR",
      "annualEarnings": [
          "reportedEPS": "2.72",
          "fiscalDateEnding": "2023-12-31"
          "reportedEPS": "4.96",
          "fiscalDateEnding": "2022-12-31"
        // ... more annual earnings data
      "quarterlyEarnings": [
          "surprise": "-0.09",
          "reportedEPS": "0.58",
          "estimatedEPS": "0.67",
          "reportedDate": "2024-02-21",
          "fiscalDateEnding": "2023-12-31",
          "surprisePercentage": "-13.4328"
          "surprise": "-0.46",
          "reportedEPS": "0.42",
          "estimatedEPS": "0.88",
          "reportedDate": "2023-11-01",
          "fiscalDateEnding": "2023-09-30",
          "surprisePercentage": "-52.2727"
        // ... more quarterly earnings data
    "companyOverview": {
      "CIK": "95029",
      "EPS": "2.71",
      "Beta": "0.437",
      "Name": "Sturm Ruger & Company Inc",
      "EBITDA": "229288000",
      "Sector": "MANUFACTURING",
      "Symbol": "RGR",
      "Address": "1 LACEY PLACE, SOUTHPORT, CT, US",
      "Country": "USA",
      "PERatio": "15.68",
      "Currency": "USD",
      "Exchange": "NYSE",
      "PEGRatio": "0",
      "52WeekLow": "42",
      "AssetType": "Common Stock",
      "BookValue": "18.14",
      "ForwardPE": "-",
      "52WeekHigh": "58.5",
      "EVToEBITDA": "7.8",
      "RevenueTTM": "730736000",
      "TrailingPE": "15.68",
      "Description": "Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. designs, manufactures, and sells firearms under the Ruger name and trademark in the United States. The company is headquartered in Southport, Connecticut.",
      "EVToRevenue": "1.168",
      "DividendDate": "2024-03-28",
      "ProfitMargin": "0.213",
      "DilutedEPSTTM": "2.71",
      "DividendYield": "0.0254",
      "FiscalYearEnd": "December",
      "LatestQuarter": "2023-12-31",
      "ExDividendDate": "2024-03-14",
      "GrossProfitTTM": "179668000",
      "AnalystRatingBuy": "1",
      "DividendPerShare": "3.36",
      "PriceToBookRatio": "2.262",
      "AnalystRatingHold": "1",
      "AnalystRatingSell": "0",
      "ReturnOnAssetsTTM": "0.321",
      "ReturnOnEquityTTM": "0.496",
      "SharesOutstanding": "17664200",
      "50DayMovingAverage": "44.13",
      "AnalystTargetPrice": "62",
      "OperatingMarginTTM": "0.298",
      "RevenuePerShareTTM": "41.55",
      "200DayMovingAverage": "49.54",
      "MarketCapitalization": "750375000",
      "PriceToSalesRatioTTM": "1.027",
      "AnalystRatingStrongBuy": "0",
      "AnalystRatingStrongSell": "0",
      "QuarterlyRevenueGrowthYOY": "0.536",
      "QuarterlyEarningsGrowthYOY": "1.381"
    "insightTrend": [
      "name": "MakingMoreMoneyButLosingGroundToCompetitors",
      "equation": "(QuarterlyRevenueGrowthYOY > 0) and (MarketCapitalization < (RevenueTTM * 4))",
      "equationForThisProspect": "QuarterlyRevenueGrowthYOY = 0.536 and MarketCapitalization = 750375000 and RevenueTTM = 730736000",
      "insight": true
      "name": "PricesDroppingSlowlyShowingTrendOfSluggishGrowth",
      "equation": "50DayMovingAverage < 200DayMovingAverage",
      "equationForThisProspect": "50DayMovingAverage = 44.13 and 200DayMovingAverage = 49.54",
      "insight": true
      "name": "StrongGrowthMeansMoreChallengesNeedingScalableSolutionsAndDataDrivenDecisions",
      "equation": "QuarterlyRevenueGrowthYOY > 0.2",
      "equationForThisProspect": "QuarterlyRevenueGrowthYOY = 0.536",
      "insight": true
     //  other insights would show if true

Field Descriptions

  • Earnings Data
    • symbol (string): The ticker symbol of the company.
    • annualEarnings (array): An array of annual earnings data.
      • reportedEPS (string): The reported earnings per share (EPS) for the fiscal year.
      • fiscalDateEnding (string): The fiscal date ending of the earnings report.
    • quarterlyEarnings (array): An array of quarterly earnings data.
      • surprise (string): The difference between the reported EPS and the estimated EPS.
      • reportedEPS (string): The reported earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter.
      • estimatedEPS (string): The estimated earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter.
      • reportedDate (string): The date when the earnings were reported.
      • fiscalDateEnding (string): The fiscal date ending of the earnings report.
      • surprisePercentage (string): The percentage difference between the reported EPS and the estimated EPS.
    • companyOverview (array): An array of financial data.
      • CIK (string): The Central Index Key (CIK) assigned by the SEC to identify the company in its database.
      • EPS (string): Earnings Per Share, the portion of the company's profit allocated to each outstanding share of common stock.
      • Beta (string): A measure of a stock's volatility in relation to the overall market.
      • Name (string): The name of the company.
      • EBITDA (string): Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization, a measure of a company's overall financial performance.
      • Sector (string): The sector to which the company belongs.
      • Symbol (string): The trading symbol of the company's stock.
      • Address (string): The company's headquarters address.
      • Country (string): The country where the company is based.
      • PERatio (string): Price-to-Earnings Ratio, the ratio of the company's current stock price to its earnings per share.
      • Currency (string): The currency in which the company's financial data is reported.
      • Exchange (string): The stock exchange where the company's stock is traded.
      • Industry (string): The industry in which the company operates.
      • PEGRatio (string): Price/Earnings to Growth Ratio, a valuation metric for determining the relative trade-off between the price of a stock, the earnings generated per share, and the company's expected growth.
      • 52WeekLow (string): The lowest price at which the stock has traded in the last 52 weeks.
      • AssetType (string): The type of asset the financial instrument is classified as.
      • BookValue (string): The total value of the company's assets minus its liabilities, divided by the number of outstanding shares.
      • ForwardPE (string): The estimated future price-to-earnings ratio based on projected earnings.
      • 52WeekHigh (string): The highest price at which the stock has traded in the last 52 weeks.
      • EVToEBITDA (string): Enterprise Value to EBITDA, a valuation multiple that compares a company's Enterprise Value to its Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization.
      • RevenueTTM (string): Revenue Trailing Twelve Months, the company's revenue over the past 12 months.
      • TrailingPE (string): Trailing Price-to-Earnings Ratio, the sum of a company's price-to-earnings, calculated by taking the current stock price and dividing it by the trailing earnings per share for the past 12 months.
      • Description (string): A brief description of the company and its business.
      • EVToRevenue (string): Enterprise Value to Revenue, a valuation metric that compares a company's Enterprise Value to its annual revenue.
      • DividendDate (string): The date on which the company's next dividend will be paid.
      • ProfitMargin (string): The ratio of net profits to revenues, showing how much of each dollar earned by the company is translated into profits.
      • DilutedEPSTTM (string): Diluted Earnings Per Share Trailing Twelve Months, the company's earnings per share over the past 12 months, adjusted for all potentially dilutive securities.
      • DividendYield (string): The ratio of a company's annual dividend compared to its share price.
      • FiscalYearEnd (string): The month in which the company's fiscal year ends.
      • LatestQuarter (string): The most recent quarter for which financial data is available.
      • ExDividendDate (string): The date on which the stock starts trading without the value of its next dividend payment.
      • GrossProfitTTM (string): Gross Profit Trailing Twelve Months, the company's revenue minus its cost of goods sold over the past 12 months.
      • AnalystRatingBuy (string): The number of analysts recommending to buy the stock.
      • DividendPerShare (string): The amount of dividends paid per share of stock.
      • PriceToBookRatio (string): The ratio of the company's stock price to its book value per share.
      • AnalystRatingHold (string): The number of analysts recommending to hold the stock.
      • AnalystRatingSell (string): The number of analysts recommending to sell the stock.
      • ReturnOnAssetsTTM (string): Return on Assets Trailing Twelve Months, an indicator of how profitable a company is relative to its total assets, calculated by dividing net income by total assets.
      • ReturnOnEquityTTM (string): Return on Equity Trailing Twelve Months, a measure of financial performance calculated by dividing net income by shareholders' equity.
      • SharesOutstanding (string): The total number of shares of a company's stock that are currently held by all its shareholders.
      • 50DayMovingAverage (string): The average price of a stock over the last 50 trading days.
      • AnalystTargetPrice (string): The price that analysts believe the stock will reach.
      • OperatingMarginTTM (string): Operating Margin Trailing Twelve Months, a measurement of what proportion of a company's revenue is left over after paying for variable costs of production.
      • RevenuePerShareTTM (string): Revenue Per Share Trailing Twelve Months, the company's revenue divided by the number of shares outstanding over the past 12 months.
      • 200DayMovingAverage (string): The average price of a stock over the last 200 trading days.
      • MarketCapitalization (string): The total dollar market value of a company's outstanding shares of stock.
      • PriceToSalesRatioTTM (string): Price-to-Sales Ratio Trailing Twelve Months, the value of a stock's price relative to its past 12 months of revenue.
      • AnalystRatingStrongBuy (string): The number of analysts recommending to strongly buy the stock.
      • AnalystRatingStrongSell (string): The number of analysts recommending to strongly sell the stock.
      • QuarterlyRevenueGrowthYOY (string): The year-over-year growth of a company's revenue for the most recent quarter.
      • QuarterlyEarningsGrowthYOY (string): The year-over-year growth of a company's earnings for the most recent quarter.
    • insightTrend (array): An array of trends based on the financial insights.
      • name: The name of the insight trend. Values include...
        • Company is earning less and profits are shrinking
        • Company's earnings and operational efficiency are too low
        • Company's earnings are dwindling, not making efficient profit from revenue.
        • Company's high spending hints at fast growth, potential security risks.
        • Growing fast, but not making much profit per sale
        • High costs eating into your earnings, reducing overall profitability
        • High dividends may means less money growth which can be risky
        • High sales costs, low profits: need efficient sales solutions
        • High sales price, but no growth in money made quarterly
        • Low earnings and revenue growth may show outdated product line.
        • Making more money, but losing ground to competitors
        • Negative quarterly revenue growth
        • Prices are dropping slowly, showing a trend of sluggish growth
        • Revenue isn't growing much each year, possibly due to market saturation or ineffective sales strategies.
        • Significantly beat investor expectations in last earnings announcement
        • Significantly missed investor expectations in last earnings announcement
        • Slow growth & high PE ratio, indicating possible overvaluation risk.
        • Spending more to gain customers than is being earned
        • Stock prices wildly change, making it risky for investors
        • Strong growth means more challenges, needing scalable solutions and data-driven decisions.
      • equation: The equation used to determine if the insight is true for a company in general.
      • equationForThisProspect: The actual values of the financial metrics for the specific prospect, used in the equation. The equationForThisProspect property shows the actual values of the financial metrics for the specific prospect, which can be used to provide context and personalization when incorporating the insight into the suggested message.
      • insight: A boolean value indicating whether the insight is true for this specific prospect based on the equation and the prospect's financial data. The insight property is set to true if the equation evaluates to true based on the prospect's financial data, indicating that the insight is applicable to this specific prospect. Otherwise, it is set to false.
    • Please note that the actual insights and equations included in the "insightTrend" array will depend on the specific financial data of the company and the defined equations for each insight

Use Cases

The Financial insight is valuable for various use cases, such as:

  • Analyzing a company's financial performance and earnings trends
  • Comparing a company's financial metrics against industry benchmarks
  • Assessing the financial health and stability of a company
  • Identifying potential investment opportunities based on financial data
  • Incorporating financial insights into sales and marketing strategies
  • Enhancing lead qualification and account prioritization based on financial indicators

By leveraging the Financial insight, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of a company's financial position, performance, and key metrics, enabling you to make informed decisions and tailor your strategies accordingly.