
Company Data

Info on a company, such as its industry, location, employee count, and more.

The Company Data insight provides comprehensive information about a company, including its profile, location, industry, financial data, and more. This insight can be retrieved using either the contact's email address, the contact's LinkedIn URL, the company's website, or the company's LinkedIn URL.


Note: the only current available parameters for generate-insights are contactEmail and contactLinkedinUrl.

  • The system will pass back an array of insights, ranked by relevance.
  • The below documentation still accurately covers our schema, and demonstrates what might exist in that array.
  • Soon, you'll be able to specify certain insight types in your API request. Coming Q3 2024.

Retrieving Company Data Insight

To retrieve the Contact Data insight using the Autobound Insights API, you need to make a POST request to the /generate-insights endpoint with the appropriate parameters.

import requests

url = 'https://api.autobound.ai/api/external/generate-insights/v1.0.0'
headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
    "contactEmail": "[email protected]",
     # you can either use contactLinkedinURL, contactEmail, companyUrl, or copmanyLinkedinUrl
    "insightType": "COMPANY_DATA"

response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, json=data)

Response Format

The API will respond with the Company Data insight in JSON format. The response will contain an object with the following fields:

  "data": {
    "name": "Amdocs",
    "description": "In an era where new technologies are born every minute, and the demand for meaningful digital experiences has never been so intense, we unlock our customers' innovative potential, empowering them to transform their boldest ideas into reality, and make billions of people feel like VIPs. Our 31,000 employees around the globe are here to accelerate our customers' migration to the cloud, differentiate in the 5G era, digitalize and automate their operations, and provide end users with the next-generation communication and media experiences that make the world say wow. Listed on the NASDAQ Global Select Market, Amdocs had revenue of $4.58 billion in fiscal 2022.",
    "city": "Chesterfield",
    "state": "Montana",
    "country": "USA",
    "numberOfEmployees": 35453,
    "annualRevenue": 4890000000,
    "industry": "Software development",
    "ticker": "DOX",
    "websiteUrl": "https://www.amdocs.com/",
    "linkedinUrl": "https://www.linkedin.com/company/amdocs",
    "linkedinFollowers": 1077501,
    "hqAddressLine1": "1390 Timberlake Manor Parkway",
    "hqAddressLine2": null,
    "hqCity": "Chesterfield",
    "hqCountry": "US",
    "hqFullAddress": "1390 Timberlake Manor Parkway, Chesterfield, MO 63017, US",
    "hqPostalCode": "63017",
    "hqRegion": "MO",
    "industries": [
      "Software Development"
    "locations": [
        "city": "Chesterfield",
        "country": "US",
        "fullAddress": "1390 Timberlake Manor Parkway, Chesterfield, MO 63017, US",
        "isHeadquarter": true,
        "line1": "1390 Timberlake Manor Parkway",
        "line2": null,
        "region": "MO",
        "zipCode": "63017"
    "logoUrl": "https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/D4D0BAQHl00ZjxIp_kw/company-logo_400_400/0/1688279976770/amdocs_logo?e=1717027200&v=beta&t=6e-9XWHHgfavGDe1gapbxpgL-fmOmCOa-uwanbEMc80",
    "phone": null,
    "specialties": [
      "customer experience",
      "network planning"
      // truncated for brevity
    "tagline": "We help those who build the future to make it amazing.",
    "type": "Public Company",
    "yearFounded": 1982

Field Descriptions:

  • name (string): The name of the company.
  • description (string): A brief description of the company and its business.
  • city (string): The city where the company is located.
  • state (string): The state where the company is located.
  • country (string): The country where the company is located.
  • numberOfEmployees (integer): The number of employees in the company.
  • annualRevenue (integer): The annual revenue of the company.
  • industry (string): The primary industry in which the company operates.
  • ticker (string): The stock ticker symbol of the company, if applicable.
  • websiteUrl (string): The website URL of the company.
  • linkedinUrl (string): The LinkedIn URL of the company.
  • linkedinFollowers (integer): The number of followers on the company's LinkedIn page.
  • hqAddressLine1 (string): The first line of the company's headquarters address.
  • hqAddressLine2 (string, optional): The second line of the company's headquarters address, if applicable.
  • hqCity (string): The city where the company's headquarters is located.
  • hqCountry (string): The country where the company's headquarters is located.
  • hqFullAddress (string): The full address of the company's headquarters.
  • hqPostalCode (string): The postal code of the company's headquarters.
  • hqRegion (string): The region or state where the company's headquarters is located.
  • industries (array of strings): An array of industries in which the company operates.
  • locations (array of objects): An array of the company's locations, including headquarters and other offices.
    • city (string): The city of the location.
    • country (string): The country of the location.
    • fullAddress (string): The full address of the location.
    • isHeadquarter (boolean): Indicates whether the location is the company's headquarters.
    • line1 (string): The first line of the location's address.
    • line2 (string, optional): The second line of the location's address, if applicable.
    • region (string): The region or state of the location.
    • zipCode (string): The zip code of the location.
  • logoUrl (string): The URL of the company's logo image.
  • phone (string, optional): The phone number of the company.
  • specialties (array of strings): An array of the company's specialties or areas of expertise.
  • tagline (string): The company's tagline or slogan.
  • type (string): The type of company (e.g., Public Company, Private Company).
  • yearFounded (integer, optional): The year the company was founded.

Use Cases

The Company Data insight is valuable for various use cases, such as:

  • Lead Enrichment: Enrich your lead database with comprehensive company information, including industry, size, location, and financial data. This information can help you qualify leads, prioritize outreach, and tailor your messaging to the specific needs and characteristics of each company.
  • Account-Based Marketing (ABM): Leverage company data insights to develop targeted ABM campaigns. By understanding the key attributes and needs of your target accounts, you can create personalized content, offers, and experiences that resonate with each company and drive engagement.
  • Sales Intelligence: Equip your sales team with detailed company information to help them prepare for meetings, build rapport, and position your offerings effectively. Insights into a company's industry, size, revenue, and specialties can help sales reps ask relevant questions, address specific pain points, and demonstrate industry expertise.
  • Competitive Analysis: Analyze the company data of your competitors to gain insights into their market positioning, strengths, and weaknesses. This information can help you differentiate your offerings, identify gaps in the market, and develop strategies to win business against your competitors.
  • Partnership and Vendor Evaluation: Use company data insights to evaluate potential partners, suppliers, or vendors. Understanding a company's size, financial stability, specialties, and locations can help you assess their fit and capabilities for collaboration or service delivery.
  • Investment Research: Leverage company data insights to support investment research and due diligence. Detailed information about a company's financials, growth, and market position can help investors make informed decisions about potential investments or portfolio management.

By leveraging the Company Data insight, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of a company's profile, financials, locations, and specialties, enabling you to make data-driven decisions and tailor your strategies for sales, marketing, partnerships, and investments.

Company Level Insights

The various company level insights Autobound offers can be found in the lefthand menu.