
List of Subtypes

Discover all available insight subtypes in Autobound’s API. Learn how to leverage specific categories for targeted content generation and detailed insight retrieval.

This details all available insight subtypes in Autobound’s API, providing a comprehensive list of categories you can use for both content generation (via generate-content) and insight retrieval (via generate-insights).

Subtypes allow for targeted data retrieval, ensuring that you generate the most relevant and personalized outputs.


Subtypes represent specific categories of insights that are surfaced about a contact or their associated company. These insights play a critical role in both:

  1. Generating content:
    1. Insights are incorporated into the generated content, such as emails, call scripts, or LinkedIn messages.
    2. Subtypes are referenced in the output, guiding the personalization strategy.
    3. You can use enabledInsights and disabledInsights parameters to mandate or suppress which insights should exist in the output.
  2. Generating insights:
    1. Subtypes allow you to request specific categories of insights for retrieval, enabling detailed prospect or company research.
    2. If you make a request to generate-insights without specifying subtype we'll return the top 20 based on relevance.
    3. You can also return a specific subtype using the insightSubtype parameter.
Type / SourceUse in 'insightSubtype' ParameterFriendly Name
Company HighlightcaseStudyProspect's case study
Company HighlightcustomersProspect's customers
Company HighlightcustomerWinStoryProspect's case study
Company HighlightinvestorsProspect's investors
Competitive Intelidentified_as_competitor_ofNew or existing competitor
Competitive IntelprospectsCompetitorsCompetitor names, very accurate
Job OpeninghiringVelocityHiring velocity (open roles vs headcount)
Business ModelkeySdrLeadershipContactsKey SDR and Leadership Contacts (names)
Business ModelmarketTrendsMarket Trends
Newscloses_offices_inCloses office
Newsdecreases_headcount_byDecreases headcount
Newsexpands_facilitiesExpands facilities
Newsexpands_offices_inExpands existing offices
Newsexpands_offices_toOpens new office
Newsfiles_suit_againstFiles lawsuit
Newsgoes_publicInitial public offering (IPO)
Newshas_issues_withVulnerability problems
NewshiresCompany hires new leadership
Newsincreases_headcount_byIncreases headcount
Newsintegrates_withLaunched a new integration
Newsinvests_intoCompany makes investment
Newsinvests_into_assetsCompany buys assets
Newsis_developingDeveloping new offering
NewslaunchesLaunches new offering
Newsopens_new_locationOpens new service location
NewspromotesEmployee promoted to leadership role
Newssells_assets_toAsset sales/divestitures
Newssigns_new_clientNew customer
Persona MatchpersonaMatchPersona match
Earnings CallearningsCallEarnings Call
SEC FilingsannouncedShareRepurchaseProgramAnnounced share repurchase program
SEC FilingscashFlowProblemsCash flow problems
SEC FilingschallengesAheadCompany's earnings are dwindling, not making efficient profit
SEC FilingsclimbingCostOfGoodsSoldCost of goods sold is climbing
SEC FilingscompanyEarningsCompany's earnings and SEC Filings: Operational Efficiency are too low
SEC FilingsdecreasingProfitDecreasing profit
SEC FilingsdecreasingProfitMarginsDecreasing profit margins
SEC FilingsdroppingPricesPrices are dropping slowly, showing a trend of sluggish growth
SEC FilingsexcessSpendingCompany's high spending hints at fast growth, potential risks
SEC FilingsfailedToMeetQuarterlyRevenueGoalsFailed to meet quarterly revenue goals
SEC FilingsfastGrowthGrowing fast, but not making much profit per sale
SEC FilingshighCostsHigh costs eating into your earnings, reducing profitability
SEC FilingshighDividendsHigh dividends may mean less growth, which can be risky
SEC FilingshighLevelsOfDebtHigh levels of debt
SEC FilingshighSalesHigh sales costs, low profits: need efficient sales solutions
SEC FilingsincreasingProfitIncreasing profit
SEC FilingsinefficientAccountingProcessesInefficient accounting processes
SEC FilingsinvestingInAccountingTeamInvesting in accounting team
SEC FilingsissuedCorporateBondsIssued corporate bonds
SEC FilingslimitedRevenueHigh sales price, but no growth in money made quarterly
SEC FilingslowEarningsLow earnings and revenue growth may show outdated product line
SEC FilingslowEfficiencyMaking more money, but losing ground to competitors
SEC FilingsmajorBalanceSheetChangesMajor balance sheet changes
SEC FilingsmakingMoneyNegative quarterly revenue growth
SEC FilingsnegativeGrowthNegative quarterly revenue growth
SEC FilingsprofitDeclineRevenue isn't growing much each year, possibly due to saturation
SEC FilingsrecordFinancialPerformanceRecord financial performance
SEC FilingssalesCostsHigh sales costs, low profits: need efficient sales solutions
SEC FilingssecurityRisksCompany's high spending hints at fast growth, potential risks
SEC FilingsSignificant change in legal expenses from last yearSignificant change in legal expenses
SEC FilingsSignificant change in operational expenses from last yearSignificant change in operational expenses
SEC FilingsSignificant change in security expenses from last yearSignificant change in security expenses
SEC FilingssignificantChangeInCOGSSignificant change in COGS from last year
SEC FilingssignificantChangeInEngineeringExpensesSignificant change in engineering expenses from last year
SEC FilingssignificantChangeInMarketingExpensesSignificant change in marketing expenses from last year
SEC FilingssignificantChangeInProductExpensesSignificant change in product expenses from last year
SEC FilingssignificantChangeInSalesExpensesSignificant change in sales expenses from last year
SEC FilingssignificantlyBeatSignificantly beat investor expectations in last earnings
SEC FilingssignificantlyMissedSignificantly missed investor expectations in last earnings
SEC FilingsslowGrowthSlow growth & high PE ratio, indicating possible overvaluation
SEC FilingsvolatileStocksStock prices wildly change, making it risky for investors
SEC Filings: Customer RelationsdealingWithNegativeFeedbackDealing with negative feedback
SEC Filings: Customer RelationsdecreasingBrandLoyaltyDecreasing brand loyalty
SEC Filings: Customer RelationsdifficultyAttractingYoungerSegmentsDifficulty attracting younger customer segments
SEC Filings: Customer RelationsinadequateCustomerFeedbackMechanismsInadequate customer feedback mechanisms
SEC Filings: Customer RelationsinconsistentCustomerExperienceInconsistent customer experience across channels
SEC Filings: Customer RelationsIncreasing customer churn rateIncreasing customer churn rate
SEC Filings: Customer RelationsinefficientCustomerSuccessProcessesInefficient customer success processes
SEC Filings: Customer RelationsinefficientCustomerSupportProcessesInefficient customer support processes
SEC Filings: Customer RelationsInvesting in customer successInvesting in customer success
SEC Filings: Customer RelationsLow conversion rates on e-commerce platformLow conversion rates on e-commerce platform
SEC Filings: Customer RelationslowAdoptionOfLoyaltyProgramsLow adoption of customer loyalty programs
SEC Filings: Customer RelationslowNetRetentionRateLow net retention rate indicating customer dissatisfaction
SEC Filings: Customer RelationsNegative online reviews and ratingsNegative online reviews and ratings
SEC Filings: Customer RelationsrapidChangeInCustomerPreferencesRapid change in customer preferences
SEC Filings: Customer RelationsrisingCustomerAcquisitionCostsRising customer acquisition costs
SEC Filings: Customer RelationsstrengthenedCustomerRelationshipsStrengthened SEC Filings: Customer Relationships and loyalty
SEC Filings: Cybersecurity & Risk ManagementcybersecurityBreachesCybersecurity breaches
SEC Filings: Cybersecurity & Risk ManagementfocusedOnEnhancingCyberRiskProgramFocused on enhancing cyber risk program
SEC Filings: Cybersecurity & Risk ManagementInadequate disaster recovery plansInadequate disaster recovery plans
SEC Filings: Cybersecurity & Risk ManagementInadequate protection against counterfeitingInadequate protection against counterfeiting
SEC Filings: Cybersecurity & Risk ManagementinadequateRiskManagementPracticesInadequate risk management practices
SEC Filings: Cybersecurity & Risk ManagementineffectiveCrisisManagementProceduresIneffective crisis management procedures
SEC Filings: Cybersecurity & Risk ManagementRecently experienced a data breachRecently experienced a data breach
SEC Filings: Digital Transformation & TechnologydecreasingITProductivityDecreasing IT productivity
SEC Filings: Digital Transformation & TechnologydifficultyManagingBigDataDifficulty managing and leveraging big data
SEC Filings: Digital Transformation & TechnologydifficultyMonetizingDataAssetsDifficulty monetizing data assets
SEC Filings: Digital Transformation & TechnologyInadequate mobile app performanceInadequate mobile app performance
SEC Filings: Digital Transformation & TechnologyinadequateDataAnalyticsCapabilitiesInadequate data analytics capabilities
SEC Filings: Digital Transformation & TechnologyinvestingInITProductivityInvesting in IT productivity
SEC Filings: Digital Transformation & TechnologylowUtilizationOfCloudTechnologiesLow utilization of cloud technologies
SEC Filings: Digital Transformation & TechnologyOpened new data centersOpened new data centers
SEC Filings: Digital Transformation & TechnologyoutdatedITInfrastructureOutdated IT infrastructure
SEC Filings: Digital Transformation & TechnologySignificant progress in digital transformationSignificant progress in digital transformation
SEC Filings: Digital Transformation & TechnologyslowAdoptionOfDigitalTransformationSlow adoption of digital transformation initiatives
SEC Filings: Digital Transformation & TechnologySoftware integration challengesSoftware integration challenges
SEC Filings: HR & People ManagementdifficultyAdaptingToRemoteWorkDifficulty adapting to remote work
SEC Filings: HR & People ManagementdifficultyAttractingTopTalentDifficulty attracting top talent
SEC Filings: HR & People ManagementdifficultyManagingRemoteTeamsDifficulty managing remote teams
SEC Filings: HR & People ManagementfacingStaffChurnFacing significant staff churn
SEC Filings: HR & People ManagementgrewHeadcountSignificantlyGrew headcount significantly
SEC Filings: HR & People ManagementhighEmployeeTurnoverRateHigh employee turnover rate
SEC Filings: HR & People ManagementIneffective diversity and inclusion initiativesIneffective diversity and inclusion initiatives
SEC Filings: HR & People ManagementineffectiveLeadershipDevelopmentIneffective leadership development programs
SEC Filings: HR & People ManagementinefficientHRProcessesInefficient HR processes
SEC Filings: HR & People ManagementInvesting in HR productivityInvesting in HR productivity
SEC Filings: HR & People ManagementlaunchedMajorDIProgramLaunched major D&I program
SEC Filings: HR & People ManagementlowEmployeeEngagementScoresLow employee engagement scores
SEC Filings: HR & People ManagementNamed a top place to workNamed a top place to work
SEC Filings: HR & People ManagementskillGapsInWorkforceSkill gaps in workforce
SEC Filings: HR & People ManagementsubstantialShiftToInOfficeWorkMade substantial shift back into the office from being remote
SEC Filings: HR & People ManagementsubstantialShiftToRemoteWorkMade substantial shift to remote work
SEC Filings: Industry & CompetitiondecliningMarketShareDeclining market share
SEC Filings: Industry & CompetitiondifficultyEnteringNewMarketsDifficulty entering new markets
SEC Filings: Industry & CompetitiondifficultyKeepingUpWithCompetitiveLandscapeDifficulty keeping up with competitive landscape
SEC Filings: Industry & CompetitionengagedInPriceWarEngaged in price war with rivals
SEC Filings: Industry & CompetitionexecutedNotableAcquisitionsExecuted notable acquisitions
SEC Filings: Industry & CompetitionExpansion of customer baseExpansion of customer base
SEC Filings: Industry & CompetitionexpansionIntoNewMarketsOrCategoriesExpansion into new market segments or product categories
SEC Filings: Industry & CompetitionglobalExpansionOfMarketPresenceGlobal expansion of market presence
SEC Filings: Industry & CompetitionincreasingCompetitionFromStartupsIncreasing competition from startups
SEC Filings: Industry & CompetitionIndustry facing downturnIndustry facing downturn
SEC Filings: Industry & CompetitionlosingGroundToKeyCompetitorsLosing ground to key competitors
SEC Filings: Industry & CompetitionMoving upmarket from SMB to enterprise clientsMoving upmarket from SMB to enterprise clients
SEC Filings: Industry & CompetitionmovingDownmarketToSMBClientsMoving downmarket from enterprise to SMB clients
SEC Filings: Industry & CompetitionslowResponseToMarketTrendsSlow response to market trends
SEC Filings: Leadership & GovernanceineffectiveChangeManagementProcessesIneffective change management processes
SEC Filings: Leadership & GovernanceineffectiveKnowledgeManagementIneffective knowledge management systems
SEC Filings: Leadership & GovernanceinefficientInternalCommunicationInefficient internal communication
SEC Filings: Leadership & GovernanceLack of cross-functional collaborationLack of cross-functional collaboration
SEC Filings: Leadership & GovernanceMajor changes in board compositionMajor changes in board composition
SEC Filings: Leadership & GovernanceNew CHRONew CHRO
SEC Filings: Leadership & GovernanceNew CISONew CISO
SEC Filings: Leadership & GovernanceNew CTONew CTO
SEC Filings: Leadership & GovernancenewCEONew CEO
SEC Filings: Leadership & GovernancenewCFONew CFO
SEC Filings: Leadership & GovernancenewCMONew CMO
SEC Filings: Leadership & GovernancenewCRONew CRO
SEC Filings: Leadership & GovernancenewCSONew CSO
SEC Filings: Leadership & GovernancenewGeneralCounselNew General Counsel
SEC Filings: Leadership & GovernanceslowDecisionMakingProcessesSlow decision-making processes
SEC Filings: Operational EfficiencyculturalMisalignmentInGlobalOpsCultural misalignment in international operations
SEC Filings: Operational EfficiencydifficultyManagingGlobalSupplyChainsDifficulty managing global supply chains
SEC Filings: Operational EfficiencydifficultyScalingOperationsDifficulty scaling operations
SEC Filings: Operational EfficiencyincreasingRawMaterialPricesIncreasing raw material prices
SEC Filings: Operational EfficiencyInefficient legal processesInefficient legal processes
SEC Filings: Operational EfficiencyInefficient operations processesInefficient operations processes
SEC Filings: Operational EfficiencyInefficient project management practicesInefficient project management practices
SEC Filings: Operational EfficiencyinefficientOrderFulfillmentProcessesInefficient order fulfillment processes
SEC Filings: Operational EfficiencyinefficientProcurementProcessesInefficient procurement processes
SEC Filings: Operational EfficiencyinefficientSupplyChainInefficient supply chain
SEC Filings: Operational EfficiencyinventoryManagementInefficienciesInventory management inefficiencies
SEC Filings: Operational EfficiencyInvesting in legal departmentInvesting in legal department
SEC Filings: Operational EfficiencyInvesting in operations productivityInvesting in operations productivity
SEC Filings: Operational EfficiencyInvesting in supply chain productivityInvesting in supply chain productivity
SEC Filings: Operational EfficiencyproductivityGainsFromRestructuringProductivity gains from restructuring
SEC Filings: Operational EfficiencysignificantImprovementToOperationalEfficiencySignificant improvement to SEC Filings: Operational Efficiency and cost management
SEC Filings: Operational EfficiencysupplyChainBottlenecksSupply chain bottlenecks
SEC Filings: Operational EfficiencyUnderutilized production capacityUnderutilized production capacity
SEC Filings: Product & InnovationawardedKeyTechPatentAwarded key technology patent
SEC Filings: Product & InnovationdelayedProductLaunchesDelayed product launches
SEC Filings: Product & InnovationDifficulty maintaining consistent product qualityDifficulty maintaining consistent product quality
SEC Filings: Product & InnovationHad to recall a key productHad to recall a key product
SEC Filings: Product & InnovationhighRateOfProductDefectsHigh rate of product defects or bugginess
SEC Filings: Product & InnovationincorporatedBlockchainForSecurityIncorporated blockchain for security
SEC Filings: Product & InnovationinefficientProductDevelopmentProcessesInefficient product development processes
SEC Filings: Product & InnovationinefficientSoftwareEngineeringProcessesInefficient software engineering processes
SEC Filings: Product & InnovationInvesting in product development productivityInvesting in product development productivity
SEC Filings: Product & InnovationinvestingInSoftwareEngineeringInvesting in software engineering
SEC Filings: Product & InnovationlaunchedOpenAPIForIntegrationsLaunched open API for integrations
SEC Filings: Product & InnovationNoteworthy product innovation or significant product launchesNoteworthy product innovation or launches
SEC Filings: Product & InnovationqualityControlIssuesQuality control issues
SEC Filings: Product & InnovationshiftedToCloudBasedServiceShifted product to cloud-based service
SEC Filings: Product & InnovationSlow adoption of new product featuresSlow adoption of new product features
SEC Filings: Product & InnovationslowInnovationCyclesSlow innovation cycles
SEC Filings: Product & InnovationSuccessful AI-driven product innovationSuccessful AI-driven product innovation
SEC Filings: Product & InnovationwonAwardsWon awards
SEC Filings: Regulatory & ComplianceauditConcernsAudit concerns around internal controls for financial reporting
SEC Filings: Regulatory & CompliancedataPrivacyViolationsData privacy violations
SEC Filings: Regulatory & ComplianceDifficulty complying with industry standardsDifficulty complying with industry standards
SEC Filings: Regulatory & CompliancehitWithGDPRorCCPAPenaltyHit with GDPR or CCPA penalty
SEC Filings: Regulatory & ComplianceIncreasing regulatory compliance costsIncreasing regulatory compliance costs
SEC Filings: Regulatory & ComplianceIntellectual property infringement claimsIntellectual property infringement claims
SEC Filings: Regulatory & ComplianceobtainedNewSecurityCertsObtained new security certs
SEC Filings: Sales & MarketingineffectiveMarketingCampaignsIneffective marketing campaigns
SEC Filings: Sales & MarketingineffectivePricingStrategiesIneffective pricing strategies
SEC Filings: Sales & MarketingineffectiveSocialMediaPresenceIneffective social media presence
SEC Filings: Sales & MarketinginefficientSalesProcessesInefficient sales processes
SEC Filings: Sales & MarketingInvesting in marketing productivityInvesting in marketing productivity
SEC Filings: Sales & MarketingInvesting in sales productivityInvesting in sales productivity
SEC Filings: Sales & MarketinglowReturnOnAdvertisingSpendLow return on advertising spend
SEC Filings: Sales & MarketingunderperformingMarketingChannelsUnderperforming marketing channels
SEC Filings: Sales & MarketingunderperformingSalesTeamUnderperforming sales team
SEC Filings: Sustainability & Corporate ResponsibilitydifficultyAdaptingToCircularEconomyDifficulty adapting to circular economy principles
SEC Filings: Sustainability & Corporate ResponsibilitydifficultyComplyingWithESGDifficulty complying with ESG reporting requirements
SEC Filings: Sustainability & Corporate ResponsibilitydifficultyMeetingSustainabilityGoalsDifficulty meeting sustainability goals
SEC Filings: Sustainability & Corporate ResponsibilityLaunched successful sustainability and ESG initiativesLaunched successful sustainability initiatives
SEC Filings: Sustainability & Corporate ResponsibilitynotablePhilanthropicInitiativesNotable philanthropic initiatives
SEC Filings: Sustainability & Corporate ResponsibilitysupportingLocalEducationSupporting local education
Shared ExperienceslivedSameCityYou live in the same city
Shared ExperiencesprevCompanyIsCustomerProspect's previous company is a customer
Shared ExperiencesprospectColleaguePrevEmployeeisYourCustomerProspect's colleague's previous employee is your customer
Shared ExperiencesprospectsCompetitorIsYourCustomerProspect's competitor is your customer
Shared ExperienceswentSameSchoolYou went to the same school
Shared ExperiencesworkedSameCompanyYou worked at the same company
Social MediaaboutMeAbout me
Social MediacompanyDescriptionCompany description
Social MediacompanyValuePropPersonalize based on company description
Social MediajobDescriptionJob description
Social MedialinkedInPostProspect's recent LinkedIn posts
Social MedialiProfilePersonalize based on LinkedIn (About, Current Job)
Social MediapodcastProspect mentioned in podcast
Social MediayoutubeProspect mentioned in YouTube video
Work MilestonerecentJobChangeRecent job change
Work MilestoneupcomingWorkAnniversaryUpcoming work anniversary
Work MilestoneworkAnniversaryWork anniversary